Two recent news from the OSSC camp. The first is the new v1.8 hardware revision is now available which includes some revisions in hardware to help improve the compatibility of the convertor, in particular the sync/mode detection for less common consoles. You can buy it from VGP here.

If you have an OSSC v1.7 or earlier then fear not, as you can mod yours to bring it up to date, albeit with the sync LED no longer lighting up when in sync. To do this you need to remove a resistor and run a wire from the TVP7002 chip. I am an OK level when it comes to soldering and it was a bit challenging soldering the wire but I got it after a few attempts 😉 So if you are not confident, get someone who knows how to solder and they should have no problems. There’s some more info here if you want to do the mod.
Once you have modded your v1.7 (or earlier) OSSC or have the new v1.8 model, you will be glad to hear that a new firmware update is out. v0.8 is the latest version and you can download it here.