A new beta version of Onion OS has been released for both Miyoo Mini and Miyoo Mini Plus models. There are some great changes in this release!

Changes in Onion OS v4.2.0 beta 4 include improvements to language translations, updates to and new emulator cores, improvements to SSH and SFTP and various small fixes improvements here and there. You can read the full list of changes on the Github page.
How to update to Onion OS v4.2.0 beta 4
For Miyoo Mini Plus owners you can update via WiFi via the Apps -> Package Manager > OTA Updater and follow the prompts. If you want to install Onion OS v4.2.0 beta 4 from fresh, you can follow our step by step guide on how to install Onion OS.
BTW: DroiX still have the Miyoo Mini Plus in stock and at a discounted price until June 5th!