You can now sign up to be notified when the Flippydrive will be available for pre-order. The Flippydrive is an…
A new version of GDMENU Card Manager was released a few weeks ago. It is a very useful piece of…
Flxel has announced the Phøde optical drive emulator aka ODE which is compatible with not one, not two… but five main console systems and their variants!
The USBto3DO is a 3DO Optical Drive Emulator for FZ1 and FZ10 models and lets you run software normally run from a CD, from a USB device such as a memory stick.
We are checking out the Fenrir Duo which is an ODE (Optical Drive Emulator) for the Sega Saturn. It basically replaces the CD drive and loads games from a micro SD card.
What are optical drive emulators (ODE) and how we can use them to replace drives on consoles such as the PS1, Dreamcast and Saturn?